So I took a long hiatus from the documentary film reviewing circuit. The good news is, I'm back and more critical than ever! I cancelled my Netflix for awhile.... I watched things less drab and depressing than your typical film-school-documentary-project, but in the end I always have the hunger for some selective coloring, perhaps a voice over while viewing old family photos, and shocking twists of statistics (lies...damn lies... and...).
Sorry, I didn't watch that film about the French tightrope walker. I will.
Without further ADO!
Paradise List: Child Murders At Robin Hood- I like me a good crime whodunit type flick. I bet you do too. Watch it.
The Weather Underground- While this isn't the most exciting film, I feel like it's important to be aware of this. Watch it. Or read a book about it. Whatever really.
Capturing The Friedmans- One of my favorite documentaries. Quirky. Kiddy-touchers mixed with a little justice done wrong. Also lots of voice over old photos. Watch it. The extras are good too.
Deliver Us From Evil- I used to feel sort of sorry for Catholic people before I saw this film. Now I don't really understand how anyone could stand behind such an institution. Culture, heritage,community, habit, family all be damned. If MY church/community/whatever sucked this bad I'd stand up and leave. Watch it. Tell a Catholic friend about it.
Super High Me- This movie was stupid. Don't watch.
Snuff: A Documentary About Killing on Camera- I literally don't understand how someone can take a subject as interesting as snuff films and make a rather mundane movie with no new insight. The supposed premise was discussing whether or not snuff films exist. According to Snopes they don't. According to ME, of course they do, you kidding me? And here I usually trust Snopes. Whatever. Don't watch this piece of crap.
The Education of Shelby Knox- Honestly, I don't actually remember much about watching this one. I remember the girl in it was sweet and plucky. She was fighting for comprehensive sex education in her school (which had an abstinence only program). On a related note though, I was recently thinking about how pro-safer sex education for children I am. And then I had that horrible revelation, you know the one, that if I'm PRO safe sex that someone else is ANTI safe sex. I then cried a river of tears. I'm going to become one of those crazy street preachers wearing one of those big two sided signs, except mine will have depictions of how to put on a condom, and factual information regarding the sexual activities of teens. I shall bring it to the PEOPLE, praise Latex. I can't remember what I was initially talking about...
March if the Penguins- I cried. I'm not just a tough, steely, cold exterior. I have warm, mushy inside parts. Watch it.
Confessions of a Superhero- Someone went to great lengths to make this film. It was pretty. I'm just not really sure it was about anything. Don't watch.
My Date with Drew- You know when you're on day 3 of a documentary film bender? Your filthy, your hair is sticking out every which way, for some reason you just watched The Bridge, again, and still can't get it out of your head? That's when you need to watch this one. And only then. It will lighten your mood and bring a slight smile to your face.
Meadowlark- This was a great one. I tried researching the guy who made it, and it looks like this is all he's done. It's strong, sad and autobiographical. So hopefully he didn't wear himself out and make his one good film. You won't find a ton about it online, but it is free watching on Hulu. Watch it.
Bigger, Stronger, Faster- Waaaahh. Middle class heterosexual white boys have problems too. Waaaaaaahhhhhh. Although if you can get past the first 20 minutes of crap, it's not that bad. In so far as he made his case for legalizing steroids, or at least for softening ones view. Don't watch. Or watch it. Depends on your level of interest in the subject matter.
Sentencing the Victim- This gave me an amazing point of view. I'm generally sympathetic to the incarcerated, I feel it does nothing for our humanity to treat them like animals, but this film really made me think. A legal justice system should try HARDER to shield the victims from further pain. Watch it.
Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam- Blah, blah boring. Interviewing less-than-bright individuals is not going to result in a film about anything unless you dig something up. I mean really dig. Don't watch.
Prom Night in Mississippi- I kind of want all those things they say about Mississippi to not be true, but then I saw this moving picture show. It's about a town in Mississippi that held it's first desegregated prom (after Morgan Freeman BEGGED THEM) in 2008. That's right, I typed 2008. Fuck. So much for your Uncle Fred's idea that racism is totally gone and erased, I mean... we have a BLACK president, right?!?! Except they didn't even succeed, not even with Morgan Freeman's help. Sure, they had a desegregated Prom, after the white prom. FUCK. I felt a bit like they were going to make the ending up lifting and happy no matter what, damn it. And it was. And the kids deserved it. Watch it. Do something about it.
There's plenty more where these came from. And as always if you have any suggestions, I'll consider watching them!
i had to look back at your older reviews to make sure my suggestion was not something you already suggested. 'very young girls' is a documentary about young prostitutes. it's really good and i think about it often when issues about gender and social relationships come up. also, i had to watch 'examined life' for a class and i'd be interested in your review. not necessarily a recommendation, but i'd be curious what you have to say about it. also, 'king of kong'.