Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Documentary Film Review Part IV

Let's Talk About Sex- Not talking about sex HURTS children.  I said it.  It hurts them and the adults they will become.  It creates unhealthy attitudes and behaviors. It leads to unsafe behavior.

Here's some cold hard facts from our friends at the CDC.

Of note in 2009 39% of the reporting sexually active teenagers did not use a condom the last time they had sex. That was in 2009, kids.  Male latex condoms are the most effective way to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.

In 2009 there were an estimated 48,100 new HIV infections. Holy crap.  Why are we not rioting in the streets right now about this? Oh that's right. A sweet, sweet mix of racism and homophobia.

Let's all just go to bed now. I've had a long day at work... Waitaminute. That doesn't sound at all like me!

What the hell can we do?! Get involved. Talk about it! I know you're probably on facebook right now...

We can also implement my plan: helicopters dropping condoms liberally all over the world.  I think we can do this pretty cheap, folks...

Abstinence only education doesn't work.  Not even kind of.  

2/3 of teen pregnancies are unintended. Half of teen mothers don't graduate high school.  I'd doubt that 46% of high school students will become serious cyclists, but we never question that we should teach them to ride a bike. With 46% of high school students reporting they have had sex how can we just stand by and not provide them proper safer sex education?

I can't.

The easiest way to dispel myths is to have the facts.  We can TALK to each other.  Educate yourself. Educate your friends. Educate the young people in your life.

If watching this documentary will help you get pissed off about it.  Then watch it.  Or take me out for a beer and I'll rant for an hour about it.  Whatever will mobilize you more.

Oh, and the movie is about Americans unhealthy views regarding talking about sex.  There's a lot of comparison with Europe.  Whatever, take me out for a beer.

I'll review some more films in my next blog post. Stay tuned.


  1. I agree with everything you said, but still want to know about this particular film. Is it worth buying for my library collection? Who made the film? Is it reliable and accurate? Will it put me to sleep?

  2. It's pretty good. Won't put you to sleep. I didn't find any inaccuracies in it. I was slightly annoyed about how "Look! Europe does it better." it got. I don't think we need to watch Europe doing it better to let us know we're doing it wrong.

    Also, we don't hold the same values. It's unrealistic to think that American parents will adopt European attitudes.

    Here's the website for the film-

    If you have Netflix instant you can watch it. Overall I think it's worthwhile.
