Saturday, November 19, 2011


Richard and I are BFFs.

So, tonight I showed up at his apartment (in Everette, mind you, just so you know what kind of high class we are dealing with.) with a 12 pack of PBR and a copy of the Sun. I was thrilled to find out Cops was on. Ain't no shame.

While I realized he hated things like peace before and often is known to be crass towards those who need him I never knew how serious he takes his hatred of Burning Man.

After a 5 minute speech about how people who tailgate are plebeians, I somehow accidentally tricked a wire in him and got him off on burning man. Before you get too upset please realize that hating things is just part of what he does.  There's nothing really wrong with Laura Linney.

Some of the finer points of his hate-speech:

1. it's not only what's wrong with this country, but what's wrong with the world.
2. it is on the same level as other hated things such as the Westboro Baptist Church and Scientology
3. it's self-reverential garbage, and hearing people speak about their "spirituality" makes him want to puke.
4. there was some babbling about feathers, sand, nudity, drums, vague musings about "freedom"
5. people don't need to go to the desert to "make art" and "be free"
6. the horrifying idea that anything can be "art"
7. hive mind individuality
8. he spat off for quite some time about the rich...

But if you're a peace loving, naked-feathered-hippy don't get too down.  He also was telling me earlier in the evening that I can't possibly go through with my dream to vaca in Serbia.

Frankly, this blog post might have reflected more kindly on him had he not tried to dream-crush me.  I'm going to Belgrade and no one and nothing can stop me.  There's supposed to be a fantastic nightlife and the Belgrade Beer Fest has free of charge entrance, and you KNOW how I feel about that.

It's not like I can forever not go to any country we've ever bombed.  I'd never leave the house. Plus, after watching what happens there at gay pride I now know that Serbia has some damn-ass BRAVE gays.  I need to shake those folks hands.

...Okay, maybe I can concede a little bit as to why he thinks going to Serbia would be a bad idea.

Stop trying to dream-crush me Richard.  After I get back from Serbia with a new healthy respect for life I may go to Burning Man just to spite you.

Ick. On second thought, probably not.  I think I hate all those things too... and not in the good way.

Except burning effigies.  I absolutely LOVE burning effigies.

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