Sunday, January 22, 2012

Classy Broad I Am.

I have barnmates.  It's a social group that most people don't have.  You have friends, acquaintances, coworkers, relatives, maybe you like to chat up the bagger at the grocery store.

I board my horse.  This comes with barnmates. They are sort've what it would be like to try and combine coworkers and relatives and make them your friends.

Does that make any sense?... No, I didn't think so. They are the people who board their horses where mine lives.  I spend a lot of time with them.

Anyway, classy group my barnmates are we occasionally like to hit up Whipper Snappers (yes, I believe this to be a bar/night club geared towards an older demographic, but no one seems to care what I think) and listen to a cover band called Spiral Circus.

This is actually my life.

To continue, Spiral Circus is fronted by a (total guess) 19 year old male singer who wears uncomfortably tight khakis, he loves to shake his money-maker, and some lady-friend of his.

Oh! You're in luck! I found you a video:

We should back track a bit before we get to the disgusting conclusion of this story.

I will only say this once.  The word "moist" is disgusting.  Saying it, thinking it, hearing it makes my stomach churn.  Someone might as well say "moldy fish taco" in an attempt to be sexy.

And this word aversion is not uncommon!  Please see here:

Now, apparently when you're 19 and front a cover band you can be easily bought off by jello shots. Easily. So, what did my barnmates do? They paid off the band with jello shots to say that heinous word for half of the night.

In conclusion my Friday night consisted of:

1. Riding my horse (she was a good girl)
2. Feeding everyone else's horses night hay
3. Arriving at Whipper Snappers and ordering a Reuben
4. Dancing like an idiot
5. Drinking more beer than I'd like to admit
6. Paying more than my fair share of the tab
7. Being sexually harassed by a cover band

I'm not sure if I love my barnmates or hate them.

Sorry for the content of this post.  Let me help you wash it down with some real music.

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